Monday, January 16, 2012

(Words) Dr. Martin Luther King Day: Be this hype tomorrow about 'service' and the days after as you are today..

That's all I'm saying... 

When I typed this on Twitter earlier, I didn't think it would be a blog post honestly. I mean, I was contemplating on whether or not I was going to EVEN SPEAK ON THE DAY AT HAND like I have done in the past and had decided against it. Then came that tweet. 

When I say 'Hype', I want to be clear. There are folks in my TLs (and Facebook feeds) who are slandering those who aren't out here DOING WHAT THEY ARE DOING ON THIS DAY. That is wrong. For several reasons IMO. 

Slandering someone for being DISRESPECTFUL OF Dr. King? Cool. I get that. BY ALL MEANS, GET 'EM! 

Getting on folks whose DAY TO DAY you don't know though just because they don't 'put it out there'? Not cool.  You are alienating PLENTY OF GOOD FOLKS by DOING THAT. Hence the picture up top..I don't think that is fair honestly... You know how folks are. Someone young and impressionable at this very moment just became disenchanted because of those thoughts.*** It is this 'It has to be this day and the rest of the days we don't see you doing it don't count' kinda thinking that has folks reluctant to participate to begin with. If ya'll want folks to stop doing things for show, stop ACTING LIKE 'FOR SHOW' IS THE ONLY WAY THINGS CAN GET DONE...

With that tweet, came a (inner) need for me to elaborate on it more. Let me first say, by even ACKNOWLEDGING THAT IT IS A DAY OF SERVICE for some, I think I have MORE THAN SHOWN HOW MUCH RESPECT I HAVE FOR THE DAY AND FOR THE MAN HIMSELF. Anyone taking it ANY OTHER WAY THAN THAT, has their OWN ISSUES TO DEAL WITH. If you know me, I mean what I say and say what I mean. PERIOD. 

With that statement, I was speaking more to the folks who are out here trying to make people feel bad for 'not attending Church today' or not marching with them when they do NONE OF THE THINGS THAT MLK SET FORTH FOR US TO DO THE OTHER 364. Not trying to disregard the day or him. Even if you DO ENGAGE IN ACTIVITIES that are helpful to others, you aren't about to guilt ME (or anyone else) into thinking that because they aren't doing EXACTLY what you are doing with the holiday that they are bad folks. Nope. Sorry. 

Another point I wanted to relay with that statement is that, while doing something TODAY is great, what about tomorrow? Next week? What about BEFORE TODAY? Did my 'service' last week become null and void because it didn't occur TODAY? That's how ya'll sound out here. Like if it didn't happen TODAY, it doesn't matter all of the sudden. What about a month from now when, after the impact of Black History Month and all the 'parties' you folks are gonna throw because of it have died down a bit, when you FORGET ALL ABOUT 'DAYS OF SERVICE'? While the rest of us are out here doing service on a PRETTY REGULAR BASIS? What about then? I pose these questions to SOME OF YOU. 

Why do you ONLY DO YOUR SERVICE WHEN PROMPTED by a 'regulated' day? That is MY OTHER QUESTION.... What if, gasps, that person's job IS A SERVICE JOB and they help folks all the time? Are they NOT supposed to enjoy this time off to maybe rest and recuperate so that they can SERVICE OTHERS appropriately say..tomorrow?* How much 'service' is required for me to become eligible to talk down to others about ONE DAY? Enlighten me oh Great One. I'd like to hear it.

Look, no one is out here expecting ya'll to be Mother Theresa or Ghandi or MARTIN HIMSELF so why don't you lose the attitude and stop TRYING TO GUILT FOLKS like you are.... Mother Theresa, Ghandi or Martin? Deal? Good...

Enjoy your holiday how you see fit and continue on that path of 'All men (and women) are created equal'...

Look, I don't wanna be a killjoy today. I promise I don't. I want folks to know that he didn't die in vain. That some of what he says, while still not PERFECT, is slowly being put into action. I also can't clap to over zealous claims of 'do good' from folks I know next week would run over someone less fortunate to get Starbucks for their morning Latte either. Sorry. Can't do it.  'Cause lets face it, as earlier as tomorrow, this will be some of you... @ the real World problems that you could probably help with under NO DURESS..

So you will have to excuse me if I 'turn a deaf ear' to all that jabbering you are doing about what 'folks should be doing with their time' on this day....

*Hats off to you who ARE IN A JOB OF SERVICE WHO STILL GO OUT AND DO SOMETHING. Dedication. For real. Salute.

*** The domino effect to this is that they could think that any work unseen is 'unworthy' and apply that to other facets of Life. Not what you want in your 'future leaders'..Trust me..Think about how many UNAPPRECIATIVE folks you know of now who think because they didn't get to 'witness' the work it must have been 'easy'? It came from somewhere...