that ya'll keep clicking on that is BACK in my Top 10. Hasn't been there in FOREVER either..
.... I almost feel like I have to post the nude now...smh
I wasn't going to post it but it is no accident... ya'll are coming here so...... Since she ALREADY commented on it and confirmed it was her, here ya'll go.. Happy now?
Her case that is too small for you to read below...
"Look I'm human, & just like every girl in this world, I admire my body so i take pics just like EVERY other human being. However my phone that was stolen Witch my phone was also connected to my twitter. So i guess the hacker felt the need to have a field day and leaked personal photos, and also tweet mean & hurtful things about me. I ain't gone front It really hurt my feelings that someone would be so evil and mean. I would never leak photos like that of my self. I have so many blessings and opportunities ahead of me & I have way more class & respect for my self as a young woman. So there's no need to seek attention. But I sincerely apologize to all my supporters and followers who had to witness the devil at work, and at what he does best. Carma is a $&@# but I'll let God handle that. that's it that's all."
Now before I get to the flick, I saw a LOT OF SLANDER on her body... More on her face too. Shit is sad. Especially since I see who some of you are out here 'claiming'. You REALLY HAVE NO ROOM TO TALK.. In the words of one of my followers, "Not when your BM is out here looking like a 'balled up piece of crumpled homework...." lol Nothing is wrong with this girl's body ya'll. Stop it. My ONLY question about her has been 'What does she 'do'.?" entertainment wise. As in, what was it Pharrell saw when he signed her. (Lack of my reason for that. Not HATE. I just want to SEE RESULTS..That's all.. I thought I would see an album of her singing or rapping is all...I was EXPECTING THAT. Nothing more or less..I DID see the Marvin's Room joint btw..) I would NEVER question how she looks though as long as she keeps herself looking right. Which she does to me. She is on point. She clearly tries to make sure she is.
So hate on.. @ her flick. If yours look better, POST 'EM UP. Lets see then... Some of you are unbelievable...@ the nerve to slander her when you (or your girl) is out here looking like Shrek and shit..