Married California blonde bombshell mom, Jamie Lynne Grumet, 26, son Aram, who is nearly 4 years-old, can be seen standing as apparently the young toddler would be too much to hold while breastfeeding.
According to Grument in a Q&A with TIME magazine, she was breastfed until she was 6 years-old and the benefits were that she had lots of self-confidence and security. Grumet, went on to say she believes she was breastfed so long because her family was so much into nutrition thanks to her father who is a nutritional scientist.
Grument states that she hopes that the more people see it in our culture, the more it’ll become normal and she wants people to see it more.
“… people have to realize this is biologically normal. It’s not socially normal…”
Many believe this recent feature by TIME magazine is exploiting breastfeeding and not embracing it in a celebratory matter.
Exactly what is the problem with breastfeeding or breastfeeding in public? Is Time magazine’s breastfeeding cover too much or a much needed eye-opener?